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Kitties · 21d

How are you doing today?

I'm doing ok! just kidna exhausted cause of lack of sugar/caffeine lol. Eating popcorn now and drinking milk and abt to go to bed

Rionbeuw · 1 answer · 25d

What does myap/zoomyap mean?

im not entirely sure but i think its minor/youth attracted person
and theen the zoo is jstu added if ur sa zoo

Kitties · 1mo

hi! i noticed you followed me, i don't really know you but i remember that you had me blocked on my previous accounts. i'm just gonna let you be, but i do want you to know that i mean no ill will and am in no way bigoted towards anyone<3 also happy pride month!

hi i guess? I generally just block freely so if someone irks me a bit I do it. You could be any one of them, but i probably didnt know you that much as i do go on blocking sprees especially when someone i dont like ahs an account so
sorry i guess lol ?

Kitties · 1mo

I Wana taste your pee :3 then you pee in a diaper, after which I wear that diaper, do we have a deal?

Kitties · 1mo

you ever feel like giving up on everything? i feel like my existence is so pointless rn and idk what to do to make that feeling go away

i liek gfaming to make those feelings go away, i watghc youtubwe and hang out on call with p[eople sometimes
chatting on twitter

though tbh half the time i just masturbate

Kitties · 1mo

you're cute btw

Kitties · 1mo

drinks half of your baja blast in 0.18 seconds

Kitties · 1mo

idk much about you yet but thanks for following me. i appreciate you

Kitties · 2mo

I wanna both, A- give suckies and B- nuzzle against a diaper while you wear it

Kitties · 2mo

who is ur favorite dragon age character?

Kitties · 2mo

i will rape you in the ass with a spiked baseball bat

Kitties · 2mo

do you like me y/n also should i make a new retro

if you just recently deleted your retro i know who u are and yes pls marry me
also yes

Kitties · 2mo

Did you and kas break up?!?!?

no we havent qwq
weve talked just a tought time rn cause im dealing with aro stuff and a FP which is liek dampening my romatnic attraction to him qwq

KAS · 2mo

Do you like carrots? if yes how do you like them done

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