Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 7mo

just opened the app and saw your recent twt so I just want to say,, you can do it!! I believe in you!! you are doing great and you /will/ do great!! drink lots of water and be as comfy as you can be, wear pjs, put on a face mask, listen to some classical music, and go work on your comms with a fresh mind!! maybe not now, but I know the world will soon learn to be more gentle with your heart,, and I hope that you can be kinder to yourself too,, your work is amazing,,, /you/ are amazing,, don't forget that 🫂

Thank you so much for your message <3 I'm too exhausted tonight but I'm gonna try to sleep early and start the week with a good dynamic !

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