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unknown voice · 6mo

theres a all to common belief in the queer community that children should not be involved and many queer people look down on other queers with children which is only feeding the queer people are pedos ideology. overall there seems to be such hate and general lack of empathy for children and parents in queer spaces

i do agree with the first part to a certain extent; a lot of queer spaces are designated for adults only, but there aren't enough queer spaces where children can also join, which is an issue. by extension of that, there aren't also a lot of spaces where queer people with children can join that caters to both them and their kids. i personally dont agree with your second half, but it's an interesting point. i think it depends on the area and the community; the big city that is queer friendly where i live has a lot of queer people who are friendly towards children and queer people with children and there is a sense of community built on the idea of protecting the kids.

but i def do agree with the lack of empathy to a certain degree. there aren't enough spaces that are kid friendly so it excludes them and their parents, unfortunately. i'd say that queer parents go through the same struggles as their cishet counterparts go through but worse, since they're alienated by the only community they should be feeling comfortable in.

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