Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Dr. Bones Cookie (Korean: 닥터 뼈다귀 쿠키, dakto ppyodagwi kuki) is an Epic Cookie released with their Pet, Pit-A-Pat Monitor. They were released alongside the Bone-afide Multivitamin Jelly Treasure in the first half of the Crispy Dough, Sturdy Bones! update.

Dr. Bones Cookie is a doctor from Ghost City that left in search of Cookies to diagnose and take care for, due to their studious and hard-working demeanor. However, their paranoia towards any symptom known to Earthbread causes them to worry too much about their patients' conditions—especially to a certain student's dismay.

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