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Fucker · 14h

How do you talk to girls

I don't I'm deeply scared of cis girls and trans girls fear me, the female friends I have are there because of horrible inconvenience that make us like and care for one another (university projects that almost killed us) or internet, several people (maybe mostly girls) try to talk to me but since I'm a social outcast I barely even speak and look annoyed or about to cry when strangers talk to me, once I did cry, it was horrible, I don't like when girls complement me for my make up or whatever cuz they always look way more prettier, feels like they ate making fun of me, even tho they ain't, ahhggbgghhgghgghgghhghgfghgghhgghgghhggj, I think people just talk to me a realize I'm really bad at talking and decide if they wanna hang out still or leave me alone

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