Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Kacchako Fan · 1y

I posted a piece based on a January prompt but it hasn't been RT'd, did I mess something up?

Hey fellow Kacchako enthusiast! We're so sorry to hear your work hasn't been RT'd yet, we don't ever want that to happen! As long as you make sure to tag us or use the hashtag #Kacchako365 or #kchk365wipweds, we should see it and retweet it within 24 hours. If we aren't tagged and the hashtag isn't there, we have no way to know your work is out there. However, X has been giving us problems with not showing posts with the #kchk365wipweds or #kacchako365 tag, so if it hasn't been RT'd after 24 hours, please feel free to tag us or email us through our carrd and we will make sure it gets RT'd!

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