Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Kacchako Fan · 7mo

Hello Hello!

I know it's still a long way to October, but I wanted to know if you might be doing an kinkoctober?
Thanks and I love all of your prompts <3 <3
Hope it will be done again next year!

Why hello there! Thank you for this question <3 You say that but October will be here before you know it LOL

Our prompts for October will not be explicitly kink related, however you're always welcome to interpret them however you see fit and pair them with any other prompts that catch your fancy from other events! However, another month may have some nice spicy options to pick from, you'll just have to wait and see~

We hope this answer helps and thank you so much for the love and support!

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