Curious Kaiju · 7mo

Greetings, Young Dragon, Halphas speaking. I recall you telling me that it took some time for a family to wholeheartedly welcome you for you. Would you mind if I ask what they were like?

Well, I mentioned before that they are a family of Kelpie. Basically a similar species of Kaiju as the loch ness monster. As for what they were like, I think you could probably compare them to the Wayne family. They're wealthy, have a controlling interest in a number of major businesses in the Crater City area. When the KDF first came around, they were highly supportive of it, and tend to be pretty generous with charities. I like to think I had a hand in keeping the family honest, considering I helped raise two generations of them.

Anyway, they've been more than my adoptive family to me ever since I first met Ryan's grandfather when we were kids. They've been my best friends.

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