Curious Kaiju · 7mo

Hi, Mr. Titus, it’s Ollie! Halloween is coming up, do you ever go out in costume?

You better believe it! I love Halloween! It used to be the one day I could go out in my half-form without people freaking out since they just assumed it was an elaborate costume and I was just some sort of reptilian zoomorph. Nowadays, I go out in half form regularly, so I've started dressing up or coloring my scales for a costume. I've done a dracolich, I've done Maleficent 's purple and black while breathing my green nature's fire, I've gone as some of the dragons from Spyro... It's usually some color scheme or scale pattern from some dragon in pop culture, and people take a guess as to which dragon it is. It's fun! Though some years I just color my scales in festive fall colors and just go out as myself, just looking like autumn. It's not really a costume though, just a theme.

Though I tend not to do much in the way of masks. I had to hide who I was for a long time, I'm not exactly enthusiastic about putting a mask on for fun.

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