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Anonymous Coward · 5mo

will there be merch stretch goals in this zine

There will be! They'll be announced closer to pre-orders, when we're ready for work previews 💕

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Can you sign up to be a pitch hitter or are they chosen already among the applicants??

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Hi! I was wondering if the application results would be out today!

Hey! We're in the middle of sending them now and results will all be out by tonight. Unfortunately, there are still a few hours to go as we have to work around rate limits, but everyone will have their results soon 💕

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Just checking that applications aren't assessed before the deadline passes? I had to update a sample in my google doc to a new document as I made a mistake.

Hey! We do sometimes take a look as things come in, in order to save on time once applications close. The best thing is to DM and let us know you updated your app so that we'll be sure to look over it again once applications 💕

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Hello! For the author applications, the 1.5k - 3k word-range is per sample or all of them combined? Thank you!

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

I’ve been meaning to apply as an artist but have been holding off because I’m nervous 😅 and am also being indecisive between two different art styles that I want to submit for… with the recent restructuring, I’m wondering if it would be possible to submit a portfolio with the two different styles?

Hello Nonny!

You're more than welcome to include both styles, especially, as you said, now that artists will be allowed more than one piece 💕

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Will sell for international?

Absolutely! We'll be selling internationally, though I can't guarantee that every single country will be a shipping option, unfortunately. We'll try to ensure the physical zine is accessible to as many people as possible, and the digital will be available to all 💕

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Hello! do contributors get a free physical or digital zine after the project is complete?

Hey! We have three plans for contributor compensation, and which one we end up going with will be dependant on sales.

At the very least, all contributors will receive a full digital pack for free. The next goal, sales allowing, would be to also provide everyone with a physical copy of whichever part of the zine (zine itself, merch item, etc.) they personally worked on. Ideally, though, we will have good enough sales to provide each of our contributors with a full physical bundle, featuring the zine itself and one of each merch item 💕

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

hi! i’m interested in applying as an author to the zine. in our application do we have to choose to apply for either 2k or 4k length, or will that happen later? Because I saw in the schedule we also have “pitching” and “assignments”, and i wasn’t sure what it meant. Thanks in advance!

Hey! You apply as an author, and will have the option of pitching for a 2k or 4k fic when/if accepted. Also, for clarity, "pitching" is the process where authors and artists pitch the ideas they'd like to create for the zine, and "assignments" is the process where the mods choose which one of your pitches you'll work on. Everyone will be expected to pitch three ideas, but will be assigned only one of those three. Hope that clears things up, please let us know if you have any other questions!

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

I'm sorry, I have read all the answers in the FAQ, but I didn't get how to apply if we are interested in participating :)

Hey! Our applications will open June 15th and when they do, application forms will be shared on the carrd and through social media, you'll apply by filling them out. For now, the best thing to do is read through our application guidelines so you've got everything ready when applications open 💕

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Is there a deadline to complete the prompts by?

Not really! When the zine wraps, everyone will still be welcome to play with the prompt cards and submit works to the collection, but we'll no longer be offering fics as prizes for completing them. Until then, the prize fics will still apply 💕

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Will there be an Ao3 collection for completing the prompts?

That's a great idea nonny! We've made one and you can find it right here. We'll add it to our posts as well 💕

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

How does bingo work? I am new and would like to learn.🥰

So pleased you enjoy the idea! It's super simple, we'll write down the steps below:

1) Write a fic or create a piece of artwork that includes 3 prompts from the same row (vertical, horizontal, or diagonal) on the prompt card. Once you've done this, you have a bingo!
2) If you'd like to claim your 1k fic prize, just DM us with a link to your completed work and our writing mod Birdie will be in touch so you can tell them your request.

And that's it! Let us know if you have any other questions 💕

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Is this zine p4p or for charity? The carrd says both but those are two very different things. -an mxtx mod

The zine is p4p and items will be priced at the cost of production. If we happen to sell enough that production prices drop due to bulk order discounts, then any profits earned will be donated to charity 💕

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

what would happen if you complete a bingo and apply as a contributor?

Hey nonny! The prompt bingo cards are just for fun and have no impact on applications or your role as a contributor. If you complete a bingo, our writing mod, Birdie, will write you a 1k fic of whatever you'd like, that's all 💕

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