Chris CM. Martinez · 3 answers · 3y

When you're on an airplane you have to wear a mask. The whole flight, 3hrs or 12hrs u have to wear one. U only take it off when u eat. And everyone eats at the same time. So can't u get infected then? "WELL the air in the plane is, is, uhh magic 🤣

You have quite a habit. The basic logic you take here for exercise goes like this: billions of men have their penis in trousers. Not a single trouser so far became pregnant due to this. So why may I NOT put my penis inside your daughter? Basically she is like any other trousers. But you are not alone in this. That logic is used everywhere when you are something like 4 years old and try to evade rules and regulations that are meant to prevent you from harm. Since many seem not to develop any further than 4 or 6 years it hits a nerve within the population it seems. Which basically means it is necessary to cancel all liberties for the most and restructure life to no further allow the toddlers to participate in decision making. It is no good to let the children who are unable to look through the windscreen take control of the steering wheel. So basically all that type of arguing plays into the hands of people who want a kingdom back. Farewell freedom, welcome day care staff!

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