@liz£h · 6 answers · 5y

Is it really necessary to know everything from your partner’s previous relationships?

No, it isn't. You should not try to turn your love inside out when you love and respect. They have a life of their own. They owe you nothing in that respect. Their adventures, experiences and life is theirs, not yours. Only the life and experience you both share is also yours. When you want to know just ask and maybe something will be shared, but handle with care what you hear. A life can be full of things you will not understand or be able to comprehend. When I are told such things be grateful. You have been invited to great intimacy. But not for the purpose of knowing-it-better or chief editor of comments. When you judge your partner you always judge yourself. When you judge their former partner think about what they might think about you? We all have complex history and not always happy ones.

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