Kayesha Ivelle.

Stay in line, darling. With one foot firmly planted ahead of the game, I'm always steps ahead. So, if you want to keep pace, a little kindness goes a long way in my world.

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Anonymous Coward · 5d

Dear Kayesha, enjoy your sleep in the first day of July.

Good morning, dear anon. Thank you, aku tidur nyenyak kemarin. Semoga hari kamu hari ini baik yaaa!

Anonymous Coward · 6d

Welcome to July, Kayesha! You did great until today and I hope nice things always be with you.

Hello there, thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words and support. I hope July brings wonderful things for you as well! ♡

Anonymous Coward · 6d

From now on, I think I'll set my eyes on you.

Anonymous Coward · 6d

I wish happiness always be with you

Anonymous Coward · 6d

May I have crush on you?

Anonymous Coward · 27d
Anonymous Coward · 27d

Yuk bisa bahagiain dan meratukan diri sendiri. You deserve to be love,everybody does. Jangan terpaku sama satu titik apa lagi ini cuma rp yg kita tau gak akan jadi nyata,jangan buang mahkota mu dan terkesan seolah mengemis cinta dan kasih sayang dari orang lain. Love yourself first

Aaaa sender aku gak tau kamu siapa, tapi terima kasih banyak ya! Aku usahain ya. Love banyak banyak 🤍

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Ngincer siapa sih galau mulu heran

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