Saint⠀𓈒⠀윤슬  ໒꒱ · 36 answers · 1mo

໒꒰◞ ˕ ◟ ྀི꒱ა  QOTD  !
꒰  what makes you happiest ?

Art (me drawing/writing, etc or not) I like seeing what people do with art and it gets me inspired to do more art... i really like fanworks (any kind) of my favourite things too so its a win-win like an all-in-one AND i can make my own fanwork... >:] & I love hearing songs they don't hafta be my favourite in particular just a nice song i can listen to

bunny thats expected of me but like I wanted to at least give something other than my fav/comfort ship (I cant do it I just love em too much) i could go on for ages but i wont save you the trouble

& I like reading, it makes me happy :]
an' watching south park (or any of my fav shows)

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