Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

logged out · 12 answers · 3mo

౹੦ ੨੫ ੨੫ 。 ℚotd ❞

⤹ Who would you choose if you could be friends with a fictional character ? ᴼᴿ Which fictional world would you want to live in for the rest of your life ?

(‘. • ᵕ •. `) Daily reminder ~ Don't forget to do your clicks!

I'd be friend with Tolkien Black cuz he's my favorite (I don't think ANYBODY knows that lol) and plus he's just a cool guy

I don't know where I'd live but I know where I WON'T live which is South Park there's no need to explain why because well... It's South Park.... 😕

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