Key And Cravat Den
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Secret Rivaere Agent · 1mo

Hi there! I want to say I am enjoying Mermay week very much. The wonderful artworks and fics from those in the fandom as well as the interactive story and activities from the Den. Thank you to everyone who is contributing, and to the Den for arranging the event!

🥰 Of course! We're always happy to create a fun little event with unique and interesting themes and interactives for everyone to participate in! 💚❤️ Looking forward to creating even more fun in the future~

Secret Rivaere Agent · 2mo

How is the mer siren story made ¿ Is it all planned and written , and which ever option wins are posted ?

Secret Rivaere Agent · 2mo

My question is whether or not all dynamics, like Levi bottoming for example, are welcome in the den outside of the cute little event? Kind of really hesitant because I love rivaere but I'm also a big fan of switching and ereri, so I'd like to find some moots through the den with the same preferences.
I'm scared of being judged, that's why I ask! Hope this finds you all well <3

Secret Rivaere Agent · 2mo

Social media, tweets and other members are not valid forms of age verification.

Secret Rivaere Agent · 2mo

How do you check if your members are 18+? Do you have ID verification implemented?

We check users social medias, past tweets(if they mention birthdays/ages), and if we have members that can verify their age/know the user. All members need to provide SOME kind of social media to join the server. If they don't feel comfortable sharing publicly, they can privately show a moderator for confirmation of age. 💚❤️

Secret Rivaere Agent · 2mo

hey can I write Ereri for the MerMay event or is it Rivaere only?

You can write whichever dynamic you want! 💚❤️ We do not limit your creativity by forcing you to only create for one dynamic. ALL of our events allow any and all Levi/Eren dynamics, fixed and switch, as long as you have fun making it!!

Secret Rivaere Agent · 1y

will late submissions be accepted? Im sorry, I was busy during Christmas/New Year

Secret Rivaere Agent · 1y

who is making the cute art for the First Time event? 🥺 they're so adorable.

That would be @mozzaCheezzu_ on twitter. 💕 Please make sure to head on over to her channel to check out her other art and send all the love & appreciation ❤️💚

Secret Rivaere Agent · 1y

No question. Just wanted to say how entertaining this account is. The polls and activities are so much fun. I don’t post but did the word search and tea cups offline. The choose your own adventure story is genius - funny with the choices and interactive. Very nice work engaging the fandom. Thank you!

We really didn't know how to respond to this, it's so sweet and we really appreciate the support!! 💚❤️ We wanted to make a space that is interactive and engaging for all Levi & Eren lovers - not just artists and writers. Create things for EVERYONE to join and participate in. Goal: ACHIEVED!!! All thanks to you guys~🥰 Here's to many more future activities!!☕🗝️

Secret Rivaere Agent · 1y

Who is writing the blind date story? I am loving it so far.🧡

That would be @Nyoschief 💚❤️ But all the decisions and voting is decided by the readers and our Event Helpers come up with options!

Secret Rivaere Agent · 2y

Have you ever been to Sweden?

Secret Rivaere Agent · 2y

Wait how did you do the graph? 😲😲😲

Google Sheets. You can input data/numbers and then automatically generate a graph. Then, to make it look pretty, Kye took a screenshot and edited it in Sony Vegas Pro!

Secret Rivaere Agent · 2y


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