Maxie · 12mo

How are your OCs relationships with their families like?

Norra: She adores her parents so so much. They are completely supportive to her, all up until their disappearance... Which completely destroyed her emotionally. And said disrupt of communication cause her to panic, and end up loosing the Semi-Finals in the Galar League. While she doesn't talk about it at all, there is a lingering hope they are still alive somewhere.

Kazi: In terms of Parents. Rocky. Her parents were business and work focused, while Kazi learned things from them in that regard... As parents they weren't the greatest unfortunately, asking the questions she didn't want to hear, like why is she always in her sketchbook and where her priorities lies... After their deaths, she was left raising her little sister, Anastazie. And that's where things picked up for her. Beyond just becoming VERY busy overall, learning a lot of new things that would help her and her sister. She became the person she wished her parents were for her with her sister. The two are very supportive of each other, though with where Ana's focus and desires are, Kazi is a bit blind in that regard, heh. But she's doing her best with where her path has led.

Eudoxia: In terms of biological, nonexistent. In terms of found, she views Kristoff Myra as her "Master" and herself as "Student". Meanwhile, she views Bozidar as her rival/somewhat of a brother, since he's the one she has gone to during her teen years to better improve herself in certain areas and learned so much from him in the process.

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