Passerby · 12mo

How friendly is Norra with gym leaders/the Elite Four? Does she know them as friends, acquaintances, not know them at all? Any of them she doesn't like spending time with?

Ivo: Has met in passing. Doesn't really know.

Babushka: "Has met a few times, very wise, and seems to be someone Dulse has gotten to know here. Need to listen to her stories one of these days."

Nikola: "A kind, yet timid guy. Very good to work with. Also someone Dulse seems to know, and has bonded with during our time here."

Yuto: "Good Kid."

Veronique: "She seems a bit distant right now.. Heard she knows Lucius, no idea what that's about.."

Anastazie: "Have only seen once around, seems stuck to her laptop and phone.. Don't think she knows me yet tho."

Bozidar: Very much headed towards friend with Norra. Was the first of 3 from the League to hold out his hand and welcome Norra to Czeraja. He's the one Norra has learned the most from in terms of how this region is with it's locations.

Gael: Is more like family to her, since he has ties with her dad. Now with him running his own Café, it's now one of the spots she visits often. Reconnecting is something they need when they can.

Kazi: Acquaintance right now, but also headed in the friend department. Especially since they find themselves sharing the same hunting grounds for different reasons. With Kazi looking for things with her art, and Norra scavenging parts in the Hastien Junkyard.

Paleni: "I- I haven't actually met her. Only heard stories... Odd stories..."

Mycen: "The way he presents himself and speaks, reminds me of someone I knew in Galar... He's one to watch, something just feels off about him... I don't know."

Eudoxia: "I haven't seen her since the League assessment. Bozi says not to worry, that's her thing, but I do wish to get to know her more."

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