Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Hello? This is Sayama, Kyouka. I've been trying to get a call in for ages to someone representing Kirijo. This is Saikawa right? The little girl with purple hair? Gosh you were the cutest little thing, you remember auntie Kyou-san right? My superior, Kimijima senpai... she showed you around when you first arrived. I... I need to see you again. For something very important! I just want to make sure Kirijo-san has my notice. I hope you're still taking good care of her!

Kyouka-san…? Kimijima…

It…must have been quite a long time ago. These names may mean something to me, but I find the memories hard to reach. For the safety of my lady, I cannot yet put you in contact with her. I require more information about who exactly you are first, and your intentions must be laid out in far less vague terms. If you please.

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