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Anonnie · 4mo

Hi evelyn! I just discovered a new verse! And i think seungjin would suit is so much! So far i only read 2skz (both minsung) fics on ao3 with that genre. I literally fell in a rabbit hole after. It so pretty ! The concept and all. The vocab like stamen, pistil, venom, calyx, anti stamen, bloom and etc. Hehehehe. The verse was introduced in kr writing sites and has been here since 2014, same goes with cakeverse and pistolverse cjdnejej

Hi dear anon!! 🩷
I've heard of this yes! My sister got an rs about it too and she did some research so I got the gist of it and I think it's really cool but I'm not sure if it's really up in my alley to write because it seems a bit complicated to me and I prefer having more freedom

I am curious to hear why and how you think it fits seungjin though!! If you want to share, please feel free and I'll listen (maybe it'll even inspire some people to write it!) 🩷

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