Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

t-t · 4mo

hii evy! i'm so excited for your new sevngjn fic hehe. I was actually thinking about your wipweds in general today, i admire how you manage to grab our attention and make us excited for your works with the limited amount of words that one can share as wipwed! i know a lot of authors share wipweds, but i feel like you especially manage to excite me personally like no other (this is no shade to anyone btw)...anyway, kudos to you!!

Oh wow that's such a sweet compliment thank you so much!!
I really do try to choose the parts where something Happens to grab people's attention and make sure people can understand it somewhat without the rest of the context so I'm really happy to hear that you've noticed and you like it hehe 🩷🩷🥰
Thank you again it means a lot!

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