Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 1y

sorry about the suspension, you’re one of the funniest kpop accounts on twt even if your followers are the ones you meant to make fun of, got a lot my laughs for so many of the comments you posted, do you consider restarting this or you’ll just move on now, again, thanks, love your account

I wanted to end the account for a while. So this is a blessing. Someone could easily restart the account themselves. All you need is a Reddit account.

All I did was browse the subreddit and copy and paste the interesting comments into the notes app on my phone and then post them at minimum 2 hourly intervals.

Yeah I turned on DMs and got messaged by people who seemed to think I was as horny as they are but in reality I have zero interest in what they were after.
I haven’t liked Twitter for a while now so I’m certainly not sad about being banned.

Thanks for your message though. I appreciate it.

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