Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Khai Rhu Ianvi · 15 answers · 7mo

Can you guys suggest me something I can watch? Film, drama, anything lah pokoknya. Gua bingung mau nonton apa ini tolong...

drama coba tonton Queen of tears, atau coba nonton 2521 nanti kalau udah boleh review ke dm

anime mau ndaa?? maybe you can try scum's wish atau kl movie coba nonton damsel, keren film nya

kamu suka nonton film genre adventure gitu ga? bisa nonton the hobbit. tapi aku nontonnya yang kayak kartun gitusih misal frozen, cars

Suka genre thriller gak? Kalau suka, coba nonton Thanksgiving.
Kalau sadmovie, coba nonton A Man Called Otto.

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