Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Bugbyte · 9mo

When people commission you to write lyrics for them, how much input do the clients give? Do they give you reference material of what the lyrics will be like or do they give you keywords that they want to see in the lyrics? Alternatively, has a client ever given you the freedom to write whatever you wanted for the lyrics?

Hello! Thank you for the question! I'm not sure if this was meant as a "answer in shorts" so I'm gonna answer right now. It really depends on the client, there is no "rule" to this. Some clients have given me very little input, some a lot, and both is okay with me as long as they have somewhat of a vision :) Reference material sometimes includes character lore, or links to songs they want theirs to sound similar to, and yes sometimes keywords/key themes they want in the song. I don't think I've had a client let me 100% write just whatever though ^^

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