Anonymous Coward · 2y

oh man i’m sorry in advance if that doesn’t make sense it’s so late i’m running on low battery now, but like how do you do a thread ? like are there steps or is it just what comes to your mind you write it and boom send tweets ? bc your thread are so good and i want to start writing on twitter but yk it’s hard,, anyway sorry again have a good night lots of love !!

That’s a great question!! So everyone is different, but I usually outline my longer threads and write them all in Google docs! Then I use this thing called ChirrApp that like you can copy and paste stuff into and then it’ll tweet it for you! However, if it’s just a drabble or a little idea I usually just type it all into Twitter and then throw into the internet wasteland lolol. I hope that answers your question!! And good luck with your own threads!! 🥺💜

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