assé · 2 answers · 6mo

have you ever felt bothered by something that doesn't affect you at all? if you have, how do you handle that? i feel stupid feeling annoyed by something like this. (sorry for being vague but let's just answer it in general)

Uh.. I have, actually, like multiple times. But what can I do? I'll just ignore it like whatever is that I'll just skip it, or I'll just let it slip.. like, act like I don't mind it but well, yeah.. this is people pleaser. But if you feel bothered by that, doesn't that mean that is still affect you, thou?

I have, yeah. It's normal though; human tends to be sensitive by default. I guess the way I handled was to... Try to see it from another point of view; of that something. Maybe try to place myself in the other's shoe, or maybe try to see the bright side... Like. Hey, that annoying something could've been worse, yet it's not that bad, no? Sure, perhaps you'd still feel annoyed at some point. But perhaps not as much, and you'll slowly learn to not give a flying fuck.

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