Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
Your sister must be very lucky…my brother would never 🙂↔️
Soke, ikannya lucu! Hanya saran, sepertinya itu ikannya kurang cukup space untuk berenangnya.. T __ T (maaf sebagai fishies lover aku hanya ingin memberi saran 🐟🐠). Kalo bisa nanti diganti ke wadah yang agak lebih besar, ya! Karena ikan gampang stres dan takutnya ikan kamu juga gitu. Tapi kalo semisal kamu beginner gapapa kok pelan-pelan! :3 Toh ga semua orang harus tiba-tiba paham. Makasih udah sayang ikan, Soke! ❤︎
soke!! im not your friends but my friends are. i come here just to sau that you are soooo cool!
Soke soke soke soke, kamu kayak es batu yang sudah ngerak di freezer soke (engga bohong)
Soke you're a truly starboy since you're so cool. I see a lot of people having a crush on you based on the poll you made. But may I know are you currently set your eyes on someone?
if i make my first move will you allow me? maybe dm you?
niat pacaran ngga?
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