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curious follower · 1y

What has been the most difficult thing to translate? What about your favorite? Thank you for all the TLs you have provided too

of course!! ❤️I still have much to learn, but, I am always happy to try and provide the best that I can for fellow fans of this series. it truly has meant a lot to me!!

as for the most difficult ... if I go with things I never opened to the public due to many having hand with it ( and I also really adore @milcery's dedication to completing them both and making them public; they did an incredible job with it ) is 4th anniversary. had a small little tl in a discord server and went kind of ham with it up until the final 4-5 chapters in which I just summarized because it got tediously long and I didn't want to keep chugging out the maximum effort for something that was purely for friends. if I went with something I made public, I'd say it's figaro's valentine card as I hadn't read the event in full just yet and was nervous about messing up a naming scheme that was blatantly stated there lol

as for my favorite- I think southern fantasia remains my most favorite thing to have tl'd. I got the files about a week or so before the event was public from a friend, which is why I was able to get it out so quick. sure, I use machine support, but I still slugged away at that for a week before anyone else knew the contents of the event and, to this day, it's still something I'm really proud of for pushing through. I just got really impatient and wanted everyone to see the event for what it was since it was one that made me feel endeared to lennox as a character when he typically doesn't get much that makes me care for him

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