Arman · 13 answers · 3y

Have you ever encountered someone that was offended by your body? How would you react if someone expressed that your body/appearance made them uncomfortable?

I have mostly always been on the leaner side. I pretty much got the message early on in my life from my family/parents that this was unacceptable—as if I (a child) was purposely putting myself on a diet to keep skinny. I was often ridiculed by them for being this way. I spent the entirety of my childhood been force fed and being given concoction after concoction in an effort to fatten me up. I was spanked (and more) if I chose not to clean the adult-sized servings on my plate. If I complained of a headache I was spanked bc it was my fault for not eating enough. After a while, I kept the headaches which made me vomit a secret. I figured out later on as a teen that I had migraines bc I had needed glasses for quite some time. It’s this day, if anyone comments on my body it can be really triggering for me.

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