Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 5d

Hiya, another trans man here, I can understand where that anon comes from. I think the issue might be about drawing a trans men always bottoming/receiving and refusing to draw them ever topping/strapping. I know that it's fictional but I personally think, you still have to be careful how you portray minorities, especially when it reinforces a harmful stereotype that trans men always receive/bottom and they're just "women in different font™". Best of luck!

Hello there!

I've always had preferences when it comes to top and bottom in ships, not as a "I believe this is the only right answer! They should only bottom/top and everyone else is wrong!" but as in "one sparks more joy than the other option, no one is right or wrong, I just feel like drawing whatever tickles my brain more"

To me, it's the equivalent of someone asking me I want to eat cherries or oranges, I'll pick cherries every time cause I prefer the taste
Since I'm the one drawing, well, I guess it's cherry fest everyday 😂

While I'm happy people are enjoying looking at my porn, I'm still here to draw whatever I want to draw since it's free and I'm doing it on my free time
I'm open to more options than just my preference when it comes for commissions or if I had a tier on Patreon tho!

I do hope everyone that follows me don't need me to tell them that, just because I like to draw Viktor as trans and a bottom, it doesn't mean I believe these drawings are meant to speak for a group of actual real people.
Of course trans people can top, bottom, switch and even not have sex at all if that's what makes them happy!

(I also didn't refuse drawing Viktor ever topping/strapping, just not with Jayce cause it's not my cup of tea but with someone else? He sure could 😏)

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