Harbinger · 3mo

skrg aku rasa banyak yg upcharnya model kaya kamu deh sassy? no hate ya ini but kenapa ya aku merasa pada latah aja gitu, dan aku rasa kamu yg duluan pake style ini, ada tuh chara ningning mirip bgt sama kamu tp idk juga ini perasaan aku aja haha, coba deh kamu ganti gaya upchar lagi pasti pada latah lg ups 🥵

Please STOP bombarding me with messages like this. I can't tell if it's all coming from the same person, but I've gotten these messages multiple times, and I'm done with it. Please, stop, can you? I have emphasized that I am not at all concerned about UPCHAR, and I don't care about the suggestion that I am being imitated or even that I am being accused of imitating. I ain't feeling like I'm being copied, starting some trend, or copying anyone else. Hell no. I appreciate all the masterpieces people create, I don't mind and I LOVE seeing them. Please, this is the last time. Don't overdo it, I ain't got no issue with it. I just love my hobby and express it through RP. Whether people think I'm copying or actually there's copy me, I couldn't care less 'cause it ain't bothering me one bit. And why are you even bothering with this? You feel threatened or something? Or got nothing better to do? Cease disseminating such nonsense, relax, and peacefully enjoy things. Be quiet won't hurt, no? Drama ain't necessary. It's just RP, for crying out loud. Peace out.

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