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Random Thrall · 8mo

Hey it’s Lady lol. Are there any fandoms you’ve ventured into lately, any new OCs? I wanna see if I can do a gift for s good mutual

Risk of Rain is HIGH on my list atm but no new OCs, mostly just Lagos and Liv. And it's mostly cause for me they are all I want as OCs as Is. And the reason I haven't made more of them is cause.... burnout, art block, irl shitty issues and so on.
And you don't need to make a gift if you don't want to. Lol.

Random Thrall · 8mo

I know it’s been a while since you did the Amanda’s Adventures art, but would you ever consider continuing it as an AU story (despite what happened with her in season 20 of D2)?

P.S: if you ever wrote full on fanfics i’d read em religously.

Sorry for answering this late. I'm not sure.. like I do miss Amanda but with what happened it be hard to do it. It wasn't just that she went its the Way she went. I'll never say no to it but I think the mood has to be right.

And thank you for that, I enjoy making snipets of stories in my work. Tbh I wish I was a better writer as well

Random Thrall · 8mo

Favorite d2 build?

I am a simple person.

As a Titan Sentinal shield, suppression nades, shoulder charge with oversheild barrier. I pair it with Harsh Language waveframe GL so that I get even more Void Booms.

I have simple ones as well for my Hunter and warlock but mostly a titan main.

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