Anonymous Coward · 10mo

How would you describe your "experience" with the kind of content you write and draw? Did you start out liking weight gain and eventually drift into vore, or was it the other way around?. Also have you found that what kind of vore scenarios you like has changed over the years or has it been pretty consistent? Apologies if this question is a bit too personal coming from an anonymous coward.

This question is fine don’t worry. I did kind of go on a weight gain to vore pipeline, but I think it was more of liking weight gain and then kind of realizing that vore was it’s own separate fetish as I was growing up. My vore tastes have most certainly evolved over the years, I think especially as I’ve realized other fetishes I have and implementing them into stuff I like. Probably the most drastic change for me was getting into male pred and feedee content. I personally saw myself as more of a sub/bottom but kind of awoke into more of a switch role as I got into male pred content, though I’m probably still a bit of a bottom at heart like a brat that needs to be tamed lol.

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