
Avatar by VellvetFoxie

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Mystery Mobian · 14d

About how often do make out sessions with you turn into someone getting swallowed? Is it often you who begins engulfing their head or the other beginning to engulf you?

It's a case-by-case basis, my mystery mobian fellow. Usually depends on how hungry one of us are. For my boyfriend or close friends like Mukiro, we could probably go a long time without swallowing one another, but we usually know how to read the room if one intends to eat the other. With some friends or mutuals though, pot luck, maybe we just enjoy the moment, otherwise I'm caught up in the moment that suddenly I'm sliding down their gullet. And then other times, they're going down mine.
How would you like to try your luck and see how long you last, hm~?

Mystery Mobian · 8d

Do you think there's more potential for Infinite/Zero the Jackal as a character, or do you think he should stay buried as a one-off villain

You do realise who you're talking to, right? Of course I believe there's more potential for my boi Infinite here! And I'm not saying it out of bias for all the LeafxInfinite coupling pics I've drawn either! This fella got cheated by the writers right towards the end of the game! I think he can definitely make a return, with or without the Phantom Ruby. At the least, he deserves a better end than being teleported away and SEGA claiming in a separate guide book that he was "consumed by the original Phantom Ruby". Talk about a lame writeoff!

Mystery Mobian · 22d

When giving big face licks, about how wet of a lick do you give your tasty friends? Light on the saliva or heavy lathering?

Depends how much I wanna tease them and how tasty they are to begin with! If they have quite the flavor to them, I'm certainly gonna go heavy on the lathering! But sometimes I like to just tease with them lightly before pushing their head passed my lips and going all the way!

Dewwy · 29d

If you could change a sonic character l, what and who?

Mystery Mobian · 29d

How fat of a gut do you think is too fat

Depends! Like I am an appreciator of guts, but depending on the situation, typically I don't want to be immobilised! I've seen folks with huge orbs of a gut that looks great, but I guess it also depends how much does it change their body if at all! It's really a case by case basis if I'm honest.

MattMiles · 30d

Would you rather be in my maw or crushed by my paws? x3

Dewwy · 1mo

Since eating me, has anything about your appetite or belly preferences changed?

Well, I'm certainly bigger and I find myself drinking more to keep my gut heartily maintained! I'd say you're doing pretty good for my belly and health in general :3c

Mystery Mobian · 1mo

would you kiss me? u_u

Hard to answer if I don't know who you are! If you're familiar to me, and I consider you a friend? I'd say your chances are probably pretty good.

Dewwy · 2mo

Dear Mr.Leaf.
Has anyone come to gawk or admire your stomach recently? And should i change that

Oh yeah, Mukiro gave my tum quite a snuggling! Nice to see my ott-filled belly getting some love!
In fact, you might have a visitor very soon~ ;D

Mystery Mobian · 2mo

If you had to choose, which Sonic character would you want to YOU?

Mystery Mobian · 2mo

If you had to pick one, which sonic character would you wanna eat the most?

Mystery Mobian · 2mo

How hard or how easy would it be to hypnotize Leaf?

Leaf has never been involved in hypnosis, at least as much as I remember; so with that in mind, I'd say it'd be very easy to hypnotise Leaf! Well, as long as you're someone he's giving his time to trust, if he saw it coming and it was from someone he doesn't like, he'd be far more hesitant to try it, versus someone he does know. Or catch him off guard, that can also work =V

Mystery Mobian · 2mo

What's the longest time you've spent in someone's belly?

Well, I guess technically if counting a casual long term roleplay I did with a friend before, then I've been stuck inside a rat's stomach for two months? It was a fun teasy thing we did on the side of going about our actual days and whatnot. I don't have a specified canon "Leaf got eaten by this guy for x amount of time" so I guess that's the best I got! I'm sure there's a couple of people that would love to keep me in them for longer~

Mystery Mobian · 2mo

A rodent of small stature is bringing a lot of dom energy, in vore, feet, maw play, or other categories. What do ya do?

A rodent huh? With that kind of energy, I would definitely encourage them to go all out, hell I'd even figure out a way to make that rodent my size, even if it means them turning that energy onto me, which I would hardly be able to resist! One condition though, if this rodent happens to be named Olive, I'm putting them in a headlock. I might be a sucker for rodents, but all rodents named "Olive" beware! For as temporary and barely threatening as a headlock might be |D

Mystery Mobian · 2mo

How do you fell about smaller predators? Like if someone half your size wanted to swallow you whole

I definitely welcome the challenge! It's always fun to see smaller folks prove that big things come in small packages! Small preds are gonna have a hell of a meal if they can get me down, and I implore them to try! I know it's gonna be quite the tight, perhaps snug fit...

Also as a shoutout, my mind turns to @FoxDemonMukiro's Trey who I think fits the 'smaller pred' category well, he would kick someone's ass and eat that someone after too! I'd totally face him |3

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