Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 2y

now that you’ve platinumed trials of mana, what are the best outfits for Riesz and Angela?

for Riesz I think it's her Starlancer. it's a good mix of like actual armor and "I'll never lose to dick!" Like it'll look good strewn on the floor while she's getting spitroasted by monsters, you know?

for Angela I think it's Rune Seer. it looks cool but it also has good "I'm a million gold in debt to this casino and I'm not allowed to tell customers to keep her hands off of me" vibes. within a week she'll be claiming the five anal-only orgasms she's had from offering herself up to customers in the VIP lounge don't make her any less of a lesbian, but... well. ♥️

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