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Anonymous daemon · 2y

How do Haladroth and the rest of his warband get along with worshipers of other chaos gods? Are there any they would prefer to have to interact with over others?
(Also unrelated question but how mad would Haladroth be if someone started calling him 'Hal' in jest)

Haladroth is cordial with other legions as long as they show the same courtesy with him. After all, being friendly with other warbands right off the bat gives him a good excuse to throw parties, forge alliances, and most importantly, get some recruitment opportunities...
Overall, he prefers keeping company with other Slaaneshi warbands, but he isn't opposed to accommodating the odd Khornate host if they even answer his coms. He'll show off his gardens to the Nurgle folk (with cultists keeping the incense and mop buckets close by). And he and Villosk'll exchange knowledge and artifacts with sorcerers of Tzeentch. Word Bearers are on thin fucking ice though, if Haladroth thinks they're out to convert anyone in his warband. As long as weapons stay holstered outside of fighting pits, everything's chill with Haladroth.
Also Hala is nothing but amused by nicknames, even if they're mocking or come from complete strangers. He'd make a comment about becoming familiar with the person so soon and turn it around on them with flirting.

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