Anonymous Coward · 1y

Publicly fetishizing menstrual blood with one partner while third-wheeling the other because you're excited about something new in your life isn't what most people would call stable. Which is to be expected, as poly couples almost never are, let alone furry ones. You're one of the funniest neurotic women I've seen online and I'm very glad you're putting yourself out there.
PS: Please take a shower.

As if everything we've ever done together was exclussively online :D
I don't think menstrual blood should be a taboo in 2022, I'm not exactly fetishizing it yet but if it makes you uncomfortable I might do just that.
My fiancé finds it funny how you're trying to put them in a third wheel position while you know nothing about what's going on behind the scenes. If you're so concerned about her being mistreated go ahead and contact her, they are currently giggling at the thought so... be my guest and give her some entertainment <3
I don't know why you're trying to prove that polyamory can't work out just fine. I think you came knocking at the wrong door since all your arguments are invalid.
the shower stuff do be sounding like you're projecting so maybe check if you need one yourself, you know, after decaying in your bed and writing spiteful little texts to strangers on the internet lmao

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