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Lottie · 7 answers · 8mo

QOTD do you have good or bad vision?

I haven't been tested, at the very least not since I was in middle school I think, though I think my vision is above average at least.

I don't know if I actually have good eyesight or if I had merely developed a lot of proficiency in processing the things I can see. I say this because I read about a case once about someone with an eye condition that couldn't just be remedied by prescription lenses and this individual was actually prescribed playing video games as a way to develop past it. This is apparently because the practice of intently looking for and processing visual information and feedback as part of the practice helps your brain better know how to "fill in the gaps". Grain of salt and all, bc I can't remember the story verbatim. But I did find it very interesting and while my family hasn't had a history of needing corrective lenses (I think my mom had reading glasses she only needed on occasion) I also wouldn't be surprised if my lifetime of playing games and engaging in visual arts had an appreciable hand in that.

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