Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Just like how the pretty sky brings smile to you, I hope there’s gonna be someone making you smile too. Have a good day, Myllien.

Hey.. I've read this every time I open my Retrospring. This is one of the sweetest messages I've got this week. I can't express how happy I am to read this message from you, Anon. Thank you so much for making my day even better by sending this message. The prettiest sky is indeed bringing a smile to my face. However, interacting with my friends here and reading your message also brings me the brightest smile. Terima kasih banyak karena telah memberikan pesan ini untuk saya, Anon. Semogga malam ini, bisa memberikan mimpi terbaik untuk kamu supaya tidur kamu malam ini nyenyak dan nantinya, bangun dengan perasaan yang sangat baik. Sleep tight, Dear Sender.

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