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Gut Ghost · 11mo

what country is becca from? i'm trying not to assume she's irish

Scottish! Actually! She didn’t start that way, but, enough people assumed she was so I just canonized it.

Gut Ghost · 11mo

Your honor... girls?

Gut Ghost · 12mo

Has Mint ever been a pred or will be a pred in the future?

Oh Minty is rarely ever the pred in any scenario… but I wouldn’t say it’s impossible! For being only 4 inches tall this tiny lass can certainly stretch.

wackywool · 12mo

Has Mint ever ended up as a snack?

Ocassionaly. Either for being unnoticed as a pred reaches for a snack perpendicular to her, or after being caught trying to steal snacks that really don’t belong to her!

Gut Ghost · 12mo

does becca know the muffin man

SinfulLapis · 12mo

What's the most Chloe's ever eaten in a single sitting?~ Dummy's got a MASSIVE stomach, but has she ever reached an actual limit before she felt TOO full to eat?~

Oh we got a CHLOE question! She hardly ever reaches a limit considering she’s 60% stomach, but when she has it’s usually because her sweet tooth got loose pigging out on sweets. Anchoring her gut to the ground and preventing her from waddling around.

Gut Ghost · 12mo

Would Becca ever be flustered by someone? How exactly would one have to act to dom her predwise?

Honestly, it all comes down to outmatching her and showing some teeth; Show her who the alpha is by pushing back against her predatory advances and she’ll fold over into an angry, blushing mess of a girlfail.

Gut Ghost · 12mo

We see Beca pigging out all the time but has there ever been a time she was getting snacked on?

No matter how tough Becca thinks she is, there’s always a bigger fish out there. And yes, she’s been packed away in more guts than she’d like to admit.

Gut Ghost · 12mo

u got games on ur phone?

SinfulLapis · 12mo

What are we planning for dinner? 👀

Gut Ghost · 12mo

What's Lanas favorite food?? Asking for reasons

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