Dolorés, Lilith · 7 answers · 21d

Thought's on Lilith? 👽🩷

LILITH. I hope this answer can sumon you, I really miss you. Where have you been? Did you eat well? How about your sleep? My lilith is the cutest person on earth. Everything about you scream cuteness but chaos as well? Sweet chaos to be honest. Cute but also seems dangerous, that's your charm.

We haven’t talked to each other much but you’re such a sweet person. I would love to talk to you more. 🥰

It's been awhile since we talk. For me, Lilith is a nice person and know what she's doing. Oh, I may talk much about you if we talk more! So let's have much convo after this.

The cutest and kind also hot👀 woman that I’ve known so far, easy to talk with but these day we rarely talk and I barely see you🥺 let’s talk more !

Lilith, I’ve always love it to see your profile, it’s just aesthetically pleasing for me! You are such a sweetheart too, let’s have more interactions in the future, ya? 🤍

You look like someone that’s easy to converse with, despite the alien allegations.

Lilith, you're such a lovely girl! A very warm-hearted person, and the coolest gal. <3

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