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Shy Guy · 11mo

do you think arahabaki is attracted to atsushi too? what about byakko towards chuuya?

Hmm I don't think of Arahabaki in canon as being a conscious being. It's stated that it has no will of its own, no personality, it's just pure chaos. So I personally can't really think of it in a way where it'd have it's own separate thoughts from Chuuya.

As for Byakko, I like to think he respects Chuuya’s strength, and the way Chuuya makes his other half feel. I don't think Byakko himself has a concept of attraction. It's difficult for me to think about, since I think we have too little knowledge in the canon stories about what Byakko really is to Atsushi. Im not always consistent with my portrayal of that dynamic because I like playing around with it in different ways, but in most cases I'd say: Byakko isnt attracted to Chuuya, but he understands the way Atsushi feels when Chuuya is around as being a positive feeling. If that makes sense?

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