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Minecraft fetish maker, no kids allowed

My main archive is on DA

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Ask me anything! I'll sometimes theme question groups on twitter


Anonymous Coward · 3d

What is the biggest blimbed up character you made?

One of the full-body inflations of Sara, she managed to hit several hundred meters in width.

Anonymous Coward · 20d

What was the very first MI render you ever made? If you can't find it, then what's one of the first ones you made?

This extremely old PoS from when I had no idea what I was doing back in 2015.
You can see ALL my old works on Deviantart, aside from a select few I never delete anything so you can see my progression over the years. Anything before 2018/19 is generally crap.

Anonymous Coward · 23d

Imagine a universe with all the opposite personalities of your characters. It would be fun to see a nice Natalie, or a rude Avana.

Not a fan of alt universe stuff, I prefer to keep to one setting and progressing that. Not to mention an anti-Avana would be evil. Kravana if you will. If you get that reference then you get a cookie. Or hell maybe a mini request if it isn't instantly guessed.

Anonymous Coward · 23d

I think Avana should be a giantess more often, as much as I know she’d hate that

It's entirely a possibility for the future. I do have several on hand so I could queue those up for my next reposts if I don't finish this trade tonight.

Anonymous Coward · 24d

Hi, I think avana is so very cool and amazing, and I wish I could talk to her, so, for an AI chat, could you expand on her? (pun intended) Understandable if you’d rather not have anything AI with your stuff.

I appreciate the enthusiasm but no, I do not endorse AI in any form aside from low quality shitposts and ask you do not do that.

DrBonez · 1mo

Well seeing as Sara is a Scientist of Sorts does she have any actual gadgets? Surely she’s built something based off all the research she does on the tanks and inflation

She doesn't have many things she's designed herself, she's not good with that kind of engineering and designing. On top of that most technology Tenks are made of is very difficult to discern as they seem to actively avoid being understood and reverse engineered. She did develop the device that turned Tittank into a human woman and later rebuilt it to allow them to be swapped between their forms more readily so she has that going for her.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Saw something in one of yours answers about miezth being cursed to lose every fight she gets into and i got curious. For the fights where she has a decent or good chance of winning, what happens to make her lose? Does an unlucky series of events happen to her that ends up with her being unable to fight, or does something more straight-forward happen like immediate and immobilising expansion?

Usually she just gets extremely unlucky or her own actions end up going against her. She could lose a fight by trying to punch a bug, only to somehow miss and hurt her hand while tripping and faceplanting while standing still. It's a combination of being cursed and stupid.

Though if the situation is fitting she might accidentally cause herself to swell or blow up rapidly instead.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Do your characters have any special quirks to them? Like Avanas Cake addiction or something

Also more of a curiosity question but you gonna do any more big butt Sara in the future? I liked that sidewalk render of her and avana you did

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Each of your characters are trapped in an escape room where they slowly inflate until they escape. Who manages to get out before they're too but to do the puzzles?

Sara probably has the best chance as she can either solve it with her smarts, or get so pissed she just punches a hole in the wall and leaves. Everyone else might panic with Avana having the best chance after Sara. Mya is probably immune since, you know. She's massive. Good luck fitting her into a room!

Ones like Nat and Miezth have zero chance. They're filling out the room in an instant.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

10 giant P balloons surround Mizeth and Natalie

There would be 10 loud popping sounds followed by two very large balloons being left. And lots of yelling and swearing. LOTS of it.

Unless they're so full they can't speak anymore!

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

To miezth and from the person who called you a poopyhead,


Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Have any of the gang used their growing capabilities to cheat in contests and the such? (Ex: Sara inflates/expands her ass and “wins” a bakery contest lol)

Most of them probably wouldn't, they wouldn't participate in those kinds of contests but if money was involved then Natalie would definitely give it a go. She's gotta get money somehow.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

We all know Avana is just a little bit of a glutton, so what's her favorite sweet? Can she even decide?

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

what if avana had like.. a huge ass?... like just a real wobble wagon that clapped with every step... just totally massive ass that couldn't even fit through double doors... is that a crazy idea? if she just had a gigantic pants destroying, couch crushing, face smother bubble butt??

You've just described how she is every other day when she spills something or Natalie decides to cause problems!

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Does The Crew experience
inflations/expansion in public often? Like…Audie inflating her tits to make a basketball dunk or that one Sara Train sequence you did

Most try to not be in public but it does occasionally happen on accident, Sara in particular tries to be private about it but often blows up so large that she can be seen for miles! Mya likes to show off in public as well, more expansion focused than the others though.

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