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Anonymous Coward · 5mo

You're Julia. It's Rocky and I'm worried. Maybe you didn't send your sisters nudes to Miles, idek anymore. But just talk to me ok.

You gotta start picking out new names because I'm pretty sure I saw this exact kinda trolling being done to one of my moots, same name and all. Like, bro, the lack of originality 😭

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Hey Julia. Please respond to my texts already. I haven't talked to you in months. It's not funny anymore. Even your mother is worried.

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

How is your WIP for WIMYITS going?

Horribly, it's a struggle getting to the main story 😭 I'm stuck in the backstory part. Writing is hard. Thanks for asking, though! /Gen

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

which character(s) in BSD do you relate to and why?

Dazai. Absolutely no debate about it. I relate a lot to his struggles with mental health, specifically depression, and his thoughts on our purposes in life. We behave similarly, and he exhibits many autism traits that I experience. When I'm masking, I behave similarly to how he acts around most people. I also relate to a lot of popular headcanons surrounding him. These headcanons are typically trauma-based so I won't mention them explicitly, but if you go sifting through my tweets, you should be able to find some things I'm referring to. The fact that he kind of matured backward reminds me of myself.

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Good day, Lady Lily [bows]. How art thou on this fine day of Satur? -Very Super Anonymous

Hello very super anon person who totally doesn't have the name Lily because that's me ofc! I'm doing mighty swell.

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

It seems you haven't been asked any questions yet. Let me change that 😈 (I'm just playing I promise my question will be normal)

If you had to take one color out of the rainbow permanently what would it be? (And by the rainbow I also mean the color spectrum meaning it won't be visible to human eyes anymore.

And we're using the basic ROYGBP model because the ROYGBIV model is OP (violet and indigo are basically identical so it would probably be an easy pick if you went with that one)

It depends on if the visibility of that color can affect the visibility of others. If not, yellow. Hands down. I fucking hate yellow. If it would affect the colors we see, for example, we couldn't see orange because it's a mix of yellow and red, then I'd have to go with orange.

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