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Anonymous Coward · 1y

hi hi!! for the doodles submissions form, point 9. says "Size: at least 5 x5 and 300dpi" but I'm confused as to what you mean? I'm pretty sure it's not 5 pixels bc that'd just be. ridiculously tiny, but is it 5 inches? 5 centimeters? 5 of some other, secret option?

5 inches or 1800 x 1800 pixels is okay too. We should have been more clear on that, so we apologize. It is being corrected. Thank you for asking.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

For the doodle and chibi submissions, does it have to be completely clean or are sketchy submissions also okay?

Sketchy would be fantastic!!! Clean is good too. As long as you're having fun and being creative that's all that matters.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Hello does this zine have any content restrictions such as non con or dub con or anything else? And do we have to have a one piece sample in our portfolios? Thanks!

There are no restrictions aside from no underage ships (these can be aged up). All sensitive content will be properly tagged and labeled in the zine for those who want to avoid it. As for having a One Piece sample in your portfolio, it is not a requirement.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

For the writing submissions—is the expectation to link to specific pieces under the submission spots, and provide the link to an overall portfolio where requested (ex. AO3 account link under portfolio, links to specific fics under the submission areas)?

It would be easier to link specific works or excerpts put into a Google Doc as samples. Samples must be between 500-1.5k words. Your portfolio can be a Google Drive with other works or a Ao3 link of all your works. We hope this helps.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Hiya! Is there a set word limit for the actual works for the zine (not the samples in the app) that we can keep in mind?

Concerning the zine, contributing writers once accepted will be expected to write atleast one piece between 1.5-3k words during the creation phase.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Are NSFW portfolio links allowed on the application so long as they're labeled?

Yes, NSFW links for art and fics are allowed, as long as you tag and label them to let the Mod team know.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Who do I contact to if I want to be a writer for the zine?

Contributor applications open on April 1st. We will be posting the Google forms on our Twitter and Tumblr and will stay open until April 29th unless the mod team decides to extend it.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Would it be okay to apply as an artist even if i don't have any One Piece/Law related art?

Having One Piece or Law related art in your portfolio is not a requirement. Our main focus is your skills as an artist. The same goes for writers.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Is it super necessary for page artists to do illustrated backgrounds? Would it be okay if an artist could fill up a page enough with eyecatching drawings (something like the Go, Nakamura-kun! meme) in an interesting way, so long as there's no blank space?

We encourage creativity here and love to see diversity in ideas. I think a drawing such as this would still count as a background as long as it's filled with images and abstract colors/shapes that are eye-catching and pleasing to look at.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

is there an age limit for contributor applications?

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Is it only Law x Canon that is allowed in the zine? And for Writing what is the character limit?

We have included OC and X Reader as an extra section. It will also depend on what the contributors would like to create. We're really not limiting anything in that area.

As for the word limit per fic, examples for apps will be 500-1,500 words. This could always change since the guidelines are under construction. Updates will be made on our Twitter and Tumblr.
(Answer resubmitted due to a misunderstanding.)

Anonymous Coward · 2y

What kind of writing genres is allowed in the zine ? and is Fluff okay?

It will depend on the Interest Check and what the Contributors want to do but honestly, we're not really limiting much. We want to give our Contributors creative freedom.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

I have the LawLu tag blocked on tumblr, so I notice it when it comes across my dash from the zine (like, the greyed out square). It’s definitely a favourite ship of the social media mod! But, then again, there’s probably more LawLu art than any other ship.

We have multiple ships tagged but Lawlu tends to come across our feed more due to popularity. It won't be the only ship featured in the zine.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Thank you guys for taking the iniative to start a law ship zine! Would applicants be able to be credited under an alias / without social media?

We want to ensure that everyone feels safe and able to express themselves. If a contributor wishes to use an alias in order to do so then we are fine with that.

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