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Sed · 7d

Ah I know what you mean, like a narrator card. I have plans to make one once I'm finished with the Final Card so don't worry!

Sed · 17d

How about some Northview High cards? I have some good personas that would fit right in with the eluded atmosphere of the joint.

Well it may be a while but there's a good chance some will be made eventually! I know what I want to do with Northview so there's that... Currently I'm just trying to finish Greenwich

Sed · 19d

Hey Sed, I am new fresh in chub ai, TK.
I try to create my own bot but she is normally too hot or too lewd. Can you help me to check my character setting and prompt?

Whilst I'm not the most knowledgeable I could help you out, just join my server and ping me lol (if you look on my chub profile you will find a link to my server)

Honestly speaking the best place to look for advice on such things is the Chub server itself

Sed · 1mo

sed, why did my dick start dripping after hours of talking to your own card?

That was me, my self bot has a dick drip curse so I know who's jacking it to my likeness 😒

Jack_Logh · 25d

What model do you use? GPT, Claude, what?

Sed · 2mo

Favorite type of cheese..?

I don't consume cheese a lot, nor do I know how to decipher the different types. So I'll say my favourite Cheese is the mod of Chubs Discord Server

Sed · 2mo

On that star-cross'd eve, as potatoes bubbled and seethed,
One rebel spud broke free, and its dominion decreed.
A kingdom born, where artichokes were shunned and banned,
Yet they rejoiced, for in exile, they found a strange hand.

But fate, in cruel whimsy, brought a dragon's wrath,
A born-slayer, servant of Courtney's darkest path.
With fiery breath, the dragon laid the realm to waste,
And in its fury, the potato kingdom met its final taste.

Beyond_Our_Veil · 2mo

Have you thought of making another Beatrix bot like an adult or wife variant? I’m intrigued how her life would be after Greenwich?

Yes I've had a few ideas for an adult version of Beatrix. I'll keep in mind when I'm doing requests!

Sed · 3mo

Two parter. 1) Which models and (if any) LoRAs are you using for your portraits on pixai? 2) Are there any creators on chub that you are a fan of and/or personally think their bots work well with your own bots in a group conversation?

Sed · 3mo

Could we get a bot that’s Beatrix’s boyfriend? I wanna fix him.

Sed · 3mo

I absolutely love Ochiru! (I'm not a cuck) Please can you make the other characters too? Like the Mother, Sister and Judo girl?

Eh considering the hate I got for Ochiru the chances are low I'll make a similar bot to her. No matter how much I can ignore them or laugh, I'm human and being attacked like that does make me feel bad. I don't really make incestuous bots either but in the interest of a good story I may? We'll see I suppose

Sed · 3mo

Why are you racist?

I'm sorry if Ochiru offended you it wasn't my intention to push racist stereotypes. I was only following the "source" for the bot, I can assure I'm not a racist however if you feel like I am for having that in my bot you're entitled to your opinion

Sed · 3mo

Yo, Xenton05 here from Chub. I was just looking at your profile and it says that there are 8 bots in the Harvest Hall series, but I only have 7 downloaded (Anna, Diana, June, Karen, Lila, Ophelia, and Victoria) and can't find the 8th. Who is it?

Thanks for the mutual follow btw, always nice to see one of my favorite creators is also a fan of my work. ^_^

Oof that's an error, there are only 7 bots in that series so far. Apparently I can't count! lol

Sed · 3mo

this is less of a question and more props to you, but I noticed you tend not to write whether characters are virgins or not unless it's part of the plot (promiscuous, slutty, whatevs) and I think thats awesome, cuz i feel like a lot of coomers place too much importance on that shit (i say this as a coomer)

Well thank you! Saying a character is virgin tends make the bot more shy during ERP so I tend to apply it to characters that are submissive (if it's actually important that is, often I feel like 20+ year old isn't gonna be a virgin)

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