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Mysterious Attractive Stranger · 9mo

What is the worst thing about your favourite movie?

I think my favorite movie is Jojo Rabbit and the thing I don't like about it is that, although it's an extremely well executed dark drama/comedy and does being a period piece set in Nazi Germany really well in my eyes, the name of it makes it sound like a children's movie and people assume that's what it is, so I always have to explain when I say Jojo Rabbit is my favorite movie. Additionally, like I said they do the dark comedy really well and it never feels like anything but Hitler and the Nazis being the butt of the joke, but I can see "dark comedy about a boy in the Hitler Youth" and the idea of seeing 1940s Germany through that character's eyes to be a turnoff where people will not want to watch the movie out of discomfort with the concept, and won't even want to stick around to see how it's executed. It's something that I understand, but basically, I hate that my favorite movie is so easy to misunderstand and make assumptions about

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