Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Unnamed. · 10mo

You are so hopeless romantic like you cannot live without a man even though you were just hurt a few days or weeks ago. I still wonder why people want to be with you I mean– look at your trying-so-hard-to-be-aesthetic-but-still-look-ugly-as-hell account. I hope you know this is not a compliment. I am waiting patiently to be subtweeted by you, both on your cyber and your private, looking for justice? Nah, you don't suit well for that) 😂

I don’t know your intention to send this, sender. I don’t even do any such criminal things to anyone. I don’t even hurt anyone here. Kalo merasa keganggu, just click the unfollow button if you are perhaps one of my mutuals.

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