Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 4mo

Okok so I saw your thing on twt and after blocking you for a sec out of shame because I genuinely didn't realize I was being weird until you said something and felt awful about it! I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable, I honestly didn't mean to and I'm not often thinking until after I say stuff, I'm sorry.

I'm gonna stick to your main RS so I'm not getting parasocial.

Sorry if this is a little muddled, I'm stoned writing this.

Sorry again.

its fine i shouldve stated my boundaries when i first was uncomfortable but as long as ya know now its fine. i would be more upset if the behavior continued after i made my boundaries clear. idm the messages here but refrain from treating strangers like you would close friends is all i say to take away from this for others even

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