Anonymous Coward · 11mo

its been a month since the reprint shipped. any updates on its arrival cuz its not fair that ur contributors are having to wait this much for a product THEY made,,,,,

We apologize that the team has not been able to provide an update beyond what was presented roughly a month ago. We have been in constant communication with our manufacturer for the partial reprint, asking for updates on tracking and the overall status of the reprint. At this point in time we are still awaiting the partial reprint to arrive at our shipping moderator's home.

The most recent update from our manufacturer was today (6/8) where they confirmed that the books had not been shipped, even though priorly they had informed the team the zines were in transit, and explained that the zines are set to ship out tomorrow (6/9). The earliest estimate for the shipment to arrive would be by the end of this month or early next month. The team had hoped our next socials update would be that the final packages were sent out however, we will be working on an update for our socials with this new information.

The team as a whole is also disheartened that this second manufacturer, as a whole, has taken several extended periods of time to produce our partial reprint (having previously taken nearly a month to send our second proof, then over two weeks after our approval to confirm mass production had begun, and now having provided incorrect information that the reprint had shipped). As soon as the new shipment arrives, all zines will be inspected, packaged, and shipped out.

Thank you once again for your support of all of our contributors that worked so tirelessly on the project as a whole.

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